Biggest lessons are learned in struggle

Struggle equals strength! I am remembering that today! Making it through struggle has shown me how to have self confidence. ❤️

I have often been viewed as the naive, too nice, non-confrontational girl. I would agree with some of that, to a degree. Mostly, I would say it’s a way of loving others! It is not my job to judge you! I honestly feel I am here on this earth to encourage others!

Naive is defined as lacking experience, wisdom or judgement. It is also defined as natural, unaffected; innocent. I would say the second part of this definition is what I strive to be. I want to keep a soft heart and love for others.

I am determined to approach hard topics in a way that others can be moved by. I want to confront in a way that moves others to be better, to be understanding, and to stay strong in the most challenging of times!

What if our words and actions changed the aggressor, perpetrators, angry and hurtful people in the world? What if we could help others to know they aren’t alone in their journey, especially when it’s hard, ugly, sad and challenging beyond belief?

I am a person of strong integrity and sincerity. I have experienced things I believe no one should have to face. In the same breath I have learned the most during these dark times!

I have found what my inner self is actually capable of. I have reevaluated what I stand for. I have reset myself and decided that no matter what, I can choose to find happiness. Happiness in the birds chirping, a visit with a loved one, a flower blooming, etc.

I am not going to spell out every hard part of my journey in this blog entry. I am just going to say, I am in one of the hardest parts right now and I am not going to let it take away my smile. I am not going to let it dim my light. Someday.. I will hopefully have consent to share and the right words will come to me. I have learned that sometimes it is hard to portray myself in the manner I want to, when I am living the actual hardship.

This is a pep talk to anyone struggling! Believe in yourself and know that you’ve made it this far and you have the power to shift gears anytime you choose to! It’s okay to coast when necessary. A bad day, a hard chapter or a rocky journey is a part of the story! It can be the best part. It can be one of overcoming, strength and determination!

Here’s to myself unfiltered and not put together. And here’s to myself pulled together and ready to conquer! You too! Here’s to whatever season of life you’re in! May we find the strength to work through it and come out better on the other side!

Believe you can and you are halfway there!

Stay Rosy, Amber

Photo on the left- me with my favorite chipped mug drinking coffee this morning, as I sit in bed writing my blog post. On the right- a photo of me headed to be with friends when I got off work last Saturday! I am human!

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